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  1. Pursuing Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Science Education
  2. Working as Bioinformatics Analyst at Harvard Medical School
  3. Visa Status: F1
  4. Specific Area : Gene Expression, DNA Microarray, Data Analysis
  5. Served as President, Graduate Student Association of UMASS Lowell
  6. Awarded ‘Best Student Research’ at 2nd Annual UMASS Bioinformatics Conference
  7. Hands on experience of RT-PCR and DNA Sequencing
  8. Devised an Algorithm for detection of differentially expressed genes from microarrays
  9. Proficient in C++ Programing
  10. Coded a Software for Software to analyse the effect of Bootstrap on Confidence Level of Gene Expression Data
  11. Many research presentations and awards


Sytems Analyst(2004- Present)  Harvard Medical School

            Study of DNA Microarrays for Pulmonary disorders

Graduate Student Research Assistant(2002- 2004)  University of Pittsburgh

            Study of DNA Microarrays for Cancer

Teaching Assistant (2001- 2002)   University of Massachusetts Lowell

Develop & implement lessons for Life Sciences Lab. Courses

Graduate Laboratory Assistant (2000- 2001)   University of Massachusetts Lowell

Maintenance of Center for Bioiformatics and Computational Biology (Biology node) UMASS Lowell

Research Assistant (1999-2000) Banaras Hindu University India

Setting up of a Plant Pathology Research Laboratory

Programming Assistant (1997-1999) Aptech Computers Limited India

Designing software packages for Office Automation and Railway Reservation

Summer Trainee (1998) National Institute of Tea Management, India

Study of Cultivation Procedures and Quality Control in Tea Production


Master of Education in Science Education                                                            2004- Present

                        Fitchburg State College, MA

Master of Science in Medical Informatics                                                            2002- 2004

                        University of Pittsburgh, PA

Master of Science in Biological Sciences (Biotechnology Option)                           2000-2002

University of Massachusetts Lowell, MA                                 GPA   =   3.62/4.0

Bachelor  of Science (Agriculture)                                                                           1996-2000

Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India                                GPA   =   8.21/10.0


-Identification of Cancer Biomarkers using DNA Microarrays

-Simulation and Empirical comparisons of methods for obtaining Differentially Expressed genes

-Algorithm for analysis of Gene Expression Data from cDNA Micro arrays

-Software to analyze the Effect of Bootstrap on Confidence Level of Gene Expression Data

- Analysis of Gene Expression Data from cDNA Micro arrays

-Biochemical characterization of  leaf tip necrosis (ltn) gene – a marker of resistance in wheat

-Study of Inter-specific Hybridization of Mung bean and Urd bean.

-Studies on 'Proteases' from the Latex of Ervatamia coronaria

-Study on fertiliser potential of VAM in Chrysanthemum

-Study on effect of mineral solutions on fruit quality in Banana




Gene Expression Analysis and Real Time PCR Training Workshop at Center of Biotechnology Research,

University of Florida, Gainesville

DNA Sequencing and PCR Workshop at Laboratory for Molecular Systematics and Evolutionary Genomics,

University of Massachusetts, Lowell

Radiation Safety Training Certificate, Radiation Safety Office, University of Massachusetts, Lowell


Software: Gene Expression Data Analysis: Cluster, Treeview, GeneSpring, MicroArraySuite (MAS)

     Phylogenetics & Sequence Alignment: Phylip, PAUP, MEGA, Clustal X, Clustal W.

Language: C, C++, UNIX, FOXPRO, and ORACLE.



Bioinformatics, Recombinant DNA Technology, Biochemistry, Immunology, Biopharmaceutical GMP and Licensing, Cell and Microbe Cultivation, Cell and Tissue Culture, Genetics, Plant Breeding, Plant Biochemistry, Cytogenetics, Plant Physiology, Experimental Design and Agro-forestry, Statistics



Electrophoretic analysis of prepared restriction digests on mini gels.  Preparation of partial restriction digests. Shotgun cloning of lambda Eco/Bam fragments into Puc19, Southern blotting and Hybridization, PCR amplification of genomic DNA for VNTR studies

Transfection of neuroblastoma cells and generation of stable transfectant subclones.  Immunocytochemistry. Passage of cells by trypsinization and seeding of cultures. Influence of serum and coated surfaces on cell division rate.

MicroELISA Assay; Haemagglutination reaction studies; DEAE-Affinity Gel column analysis, Preparation and analysis of Hybridomas

Planning and Designing a Fed-Batch Ferementer for Industrial production

Validation of a CEQ 2000 DNA Sequencer



- Best Student Research Presentation, 2nd Annual 2nd Annual UMASS Bioinformatics Conference, University of Massachusetts Lowell, May 2 – 3, 2002

- Graduate Research Grant Award 2002, University of Massachusetts Lowell 2001-2002

- Third Prize, Fifth National Youth Parliament Competition, Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs, Government of India, 1992-93

- Merit Certificate, National Talent Search Examination (NTSE). National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT), Government of India, 1992

- All India 32nd rank, National Level Science Talent Search Examination (NLSTSE), United Council for Educational Research Advances in Learning, Thiruvananthapuram, India


- President, Graduate Student Association (GSA), University of Massachusetts Lowell (2001-2002)

- President, UMASS Lowell Graduate Student Bioinformatics Club (2000-2001, 2002-2003)

- Member, International Society of Computational Biology (ISCB)

- Member, PDA Committee, UMASS Lowell Graduate Student Association,(2000-2001)

- Editor, Newsletter of UMASS Lowell Graduate Student Bioinformatics Club, BIOCOB News (2000-2002)

- Secretary, Bengali Association, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India,(1999-2000)

-Convenor, GODHULI'97 Annual Cultural Night, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India, 1997


  1. Bhattacharya, S., Long DD. and Lyons-Weiler, J. 2003 Overcoming Confounded Controls in the Analysis of Gene Expression Data from Microarray Experiments Applied Bioinformatics 2(4): 197-208
  2. Lyons-Weiler, J, Patel, S., and Bhattacharya, S. 2003, A Classification-Based Machine learning Approach for the Analysis of Genome-Wide Expression Data Genome Research 13:503-512



  1. "DNA Microarray Data Analysis-Current State and Future Directions" at Tufts University-New England Medical Center, February 16th 2005
  2. ""GEDA: An Online Gene Expression Data Analysis Portal" Affymetrix Technology Seminar, UPMC Cancer Center, Pittsburgh, February 25, 2004
  3. "Microarray Technology and Data Analysis" Guest Lecture in Introduction to Bioinformatics (BIOINF 2081) at Center for Biomedical Informatics, University of Pittsburgh, Fall 2003
  4. "Computational Discovery of Biomarkers using Simple Machine Learning Approach" at The Children's Hospital, Pittsburgh, October 10th 2003
  5.  “An Empirical Comparison of Algorithms used for detecting Differentially Expressed Genes: Cancer Datasets” at 2nd Annual UMASS Bioinformatics Conference, University of Massachusetts Lowell, May 2nd 2002


  1. "Computational Discovery of Cancer Biomarkers from Microarray Expression Measurements" Proceedings of 8th Annual APIII, 2003, Pittsburgh, PA
  2. "Melanoma Biomarkers Revealed by Microarray Data Analysis" Proceedings of 94th Annual Meeting of American Association of Cancer Research, 2003, Toronto, Canada
  3. "Panoramic Views of Methods for the Analysis of Global Gene Expression Patterns" Proceedings of 94th Annual Meeting of American Association of Cancer Research, 2003, Toronto, Canada
  4. "An Empirical Comparison of Algorithms used for detecting Differentially Expressed Genes in Cancer Datasets" Proceedings of 10th Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) 2002, Edmonton, Canada
  5. "Differentially Expressed Genes: Key to Cancer Prognosis "Proceedings of 5th Annual Research Symposium, University of Massachusetts Lowell, April 25th 2002
  6. "An Empirical Comparison of Methods for Detecting Differentially Expressed Genes that Distinguish between types of Lymphoma" Proceedings of 5th Annual Student Research Symposium, UMASS Lowell, April 25th 2002
  7. "Non-Parametric Bootstrap: A Technique for Confidence level estimation of classification of Large Scale Gene expression Data "Proceedings of Microarray Data Analysis Symposium at Harvard University, May 12th 2001
  8. "Non-Parametric Bootstrap: A Technique for Confidence level estimation of classification of Large Scale Gene expression Data" Proceedings of 1st Annual UMASS Intercampus Bioinformatics Conference, University of Massachusetts Boston, May 1st 2001
  9. "Application of Non-Parametric Bootstrap Technique to asses the classification of Large Scale Gene expression Data Analysis "Proceedings of 4th Annual Research Symposium, University of Massachusetts Lowell, April 26th 2001